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- Subject: UFO over Luke Air Force Base in AZ
- Date: Wed, 17 May 1995 05:22:42 MST
- Tuesday May 9th 2 unidentified objects were seen by 4 people heading
- south on Highway 85 in Arizona. They were, during the whole event
- about 20 miles, at the begining, to 16 miles ,at the end, away from
- Gila Bend and the northern border of Luke Air Force Boming and Gunnery
- Range. A restricted area.
- The two lights were seen between 8 and 9, the Video Tape clearly
- shows that it was dusk. The horizon and other features are clearly
- seen. The original footage was shot on Hi-8 video. But always from
- inside a moving car. They appeared like this
- * *
- ------------------------------------
- It is impossible at this time to judge the distance of these object that
- are described as very bright and quite large.
- The Video clearly shows that these objects are in the distance
- and not some windshield reflection. This is due to the fact
- that these 2 objects appear behind signs on the road, trees, and
- telephone posts. Using these signs we can determine the place
- that these objects were seen at.
- The witness describe these objects 'fading out' and were gone for
- a short time. During the interval, UFO discussion can be heard
- on the audio portion of the tape. A short while later (still working
- out exact timing) they fade back in.
- None of the fades in or out were recorded on video.
- This 2nd part show a darker sky, though still dusk like.
- They appear just a little to the right of the road, much in the same
- position as the first part of the video shows.
- May 9th 1995 2 UFOs were reported over Gila Bend and Luke Air
- Force Base in Airizona. These 2 objects were video taped from
- a moving car, wich is both unfortunate and fortunate at the same time.
- The video clearly shows these 2 objects to be well away from the
- people observing them, as described in the previous post.
- I believe that the video, which is in the process of being analyzed
- will show that there were no towers holding these lights up in the air.
- One witness felt, stated on the tape during the first encouter, that the
- lights were only towers. (no fades were recorded
- on video, the person with the camers was only in town for 10 days, and
- being a film editor, meaning not used to productions and on set work,
- of which I make fun of him about, he forgot his battery recharger,
- so he was trying to use 1 battery for 10 days, thus the reason why
- he pauses the camera before any fades are recorded)
- So when the lights fade back in is when the car really came a buzz
- with thought of what these could be.
- The 2 objects were, by the video, nearly motionless. One witness during
- the taping says that an object moved. At this time we can not tell
- if that is true.
- The object on the right seemed to be a little higher than the one
- on the left during the first part of the tape. During the second
- part of the tape they seem to be more even altitude wise.
- This may be due to the fact that they moved closer to the objects.
- The lights by one witness account, 'could of been very big',. Because to
- them in the car they seemed not to gain od ground on them. This is
- not to say they were moving. The objects recorded during part one
- are quite bright, as bright as distant headlights, but these
- objects were not headlights. They were too far off the ground.
- (we are hoping to get the needed distances and altitude from people
- who are more capable of finding this info)
- More speculation is following later.
- Needless to say, the person taping this event, has been transformed,
- so to speak. He is very excited about this event. We are releasing
- this tape to all local media, and hopefully will appear soon on a
- local publis access channel dedicated to UFOs.
- From: kennyc7@aol.com (Kenny C7)
- Subject: Crop circle 1995 news
- Date: 22 May 1995 10:45:36 -0400
- Subj: Re: crop circle 1995
- ~Date: Mon, May 22, 1995 6:18 AM CST
- ~From: mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk
- I am having trouble sending to alt.visitors.aliens and Alt.paranet.ufo and
- other interested newsgroups.
- I am writing this report of the new crop circle season (1995)
- for my friend Stuart Dike. He has visited several formations sofar.
- 1/ A cresent design formation appeared last week at West Overton,
- near Avebury, Wltshire, uk. In oil seed rape. It was 50 feet
- in length. The map is Ordnance survey 185, reference 131667.
- 2/ A double ringed circle appeared at New Haven, Sussex, uk.
- In oil seed rape. More details will follow....
- 3/ A 1990 style pictogram (keys boxes etc) appeared at Overton,
- Near Baskingstoke, UK in oil seed rape.
- More details will follow:
- 4/ Another cresent design appeared at Danebury ring (South of
- Andover),UK.
- in oil seed rape. More details will follow later.
- From: keith.whittle@nwcs.org (Keith Whittle)
- Subject: More on E.Oregon Flap
- Date: Tue, 23 May 1995 04:57:00 GMT
- Last week Portland's KATU-Channel 2 (ABC affiliate) aired Town
- Hall, a local TV talk show.
- Their topic: UFO Sightings in Imnaha, Oregon
- They split the audience (difficult) into skeptics and believers.
- The witnesses testimony was so convincing that the skeptics
- wilted. The only skeptic that spoke was a befuddled professor
- of anthropology who made very little sense to anybody.
- Across the state at Imnaha, the remote TV crew connected with
- the studio in Portland and there of course developed a friendly
- reparte between the rural folks and the city slickers.
- After all was said and done, the TV program was very well put
- together. The Portland audience and a large part of Oregon was
- treated to face-to-face eye witness testimony by several of the
- rural cousins. The following report takes up half of the front
- page of this week's Wallowa County Chieftain, a usually
- conservative Eastern Oregon newspaper, and gives credence to the
- sincere stories of their community members.
- Please send some comments that I can forward to the writers,
- editors, and witnesses. They would appreciate knowing where
- their stories may have reached.
- e-mail: kwhitt@nwcs.org
- 5-18-95
- Alleged Imnaha UFO sightings corroborated
- by other witnesses in television program
- By Rick Swart
- and Barbara Kriley
- of the Wallowa County Chieftain
- Enterprise, Oregon
- An alleged sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) reported
- in March by Diane and Bryan Baquet, was corroborated by eight other witnesses l
- week during a telecast broadcast from the town of Imnaha.
- The testimony of these witnesses was captured on video Tuesday by
- television KATU, the ABC affiliate in Portland, which sent a five-person
- crew to Imnaha to investigate the Baquets' claim.
- About 50 people crammed into the Imnaha Store and Tavern to
- participate in KATU's "Town Hall" program, which also involved a studio
- audience in Portland. The T.V. station also conducted separate interviews for
- a series of news reports broadcast this week.
- In addition to the Baquets, alleged UFO sightings and/or evidence of
- possible UFOs were reported by D.J. Januzzi, Don Swart, Jr., Trudy Jett,
- Norman and Arlene Lovell, Heather Tanzey, and Amanda and Jackie Hagan.
- The Baquets claim to have watched a spectacular light show above their
- house along the lower Imnaha River for about an hour on March 26.
- Trudy Jett, a United Parcel Service (UPS) driver from Joseph, says she
- witnessed a similar event about a week before Baquets reported their
- experience.
- Jett told reporters that she was returning to Joseph from Imnaha in
- her new UPS truck when she noticed a bright red light in the rear view mirror.
- She said at first she thought it may have been the reflection of a tail light
- but upon closer inspection found that there were no red lights on the side
- of the truck that could be causing such a reflection.
- "Then I realized it was, like, following me," she said, adding,
- "Then it turned from bright red into the most brilliant orange that I've
- ever seen." Jett said the light then streaked away with lightning speed.
- "I am certain it was a UFO," Jett said. "No one on this earth can make
- something move as fast as a UFO."
- Swart reported that he, too, saw strange lights above Little Sheep
- Creek Canyon on the way to Imnaha at approximately 4:30 a.m. on March 31.
- Swart, who was headed to Cow Creek to go fishing, said at first he thought
- he was seeing the morning star, but as the light grew brighter he stopped at
- the top of Sheep Creek hill and looked at the image through his binoculars.
- "It looked like a helicopter, only with two tails and no rotors,"
- said Swart, who estimated that the image was about a mile away. He said he
- did not hear any sounds coming from the object.
- "Whatever it was, it was something I couldn't explain," Swart said.
- The following Wednesday Swart said he was driving north on Hwy. 3 between
- 8:30 and 9 p.m. when he noticed two dim lights behind him. He said when he
- was about a mile out of Enterprise he slowed down to 20 m.p.h. and turned
- around in his seat to take a better look, and could see the lights maintaining
- a constant distance behind him. Even when he sped up, the lights maintained
- their distance. Swart said he thought someone was "messing" with him, so he
- doubled back at the intersection of Hwy. 3 and Leep Road to see who it was.
- On the way back to town he never met a vehicle. By the time he reached the
- state gravel pit the lights were behind him again and followed him almost
- to the Enterprise city limits, then disappeared.
- Amanda and Jackie Hagan said that about a month ago they were walking
- home -- about a block north of Imnaha's Main Street -- at dusk when they saw
- a big, bright pink light streaking toward them from Joseph. The girls said
- there was no sound associated with the light, which turned from pink to purple
- to blue as it streaked over the canyon walls toward Hells Canyon.
- Heather Tanzey reported that last fall she was staying with her
- grandparents, Ken and Pat Stein, at their place about six miles downstream
- from Imnaha when she saw "a saucer like thing, with blue, red, yellow and
- green lights going around on it."
- The Lovells reported that three years ago the were on a flat above
- the Imnaha on their property at Indian Creek when they found two perfect
- circles, 2 1/2 feet wide and 25 feet in diameter. Norman Lovell the grass in
- the circles looked like it had been eaten to the ground, although there were
- no livestock in the area at the time, and the grass eventually grew back.
- "It looked round to me, so I measured it," Lovell said. "It was a
- perfect circle, and there were no cattle in there."
- Januzzi said he saw what he believes was a UFO in broad daylight on
- his uncle's Imnaha ranch about 15 years ago. He said he was riding around on
- his motor scooter when he stopped at what the family referred to as Big Canyon,
- a few miles upriver from Imnaha. Near the bottom of the canyon he spotted a
- silvery craft hovering above the trees. A split second later, he said, the
- craft shot up over the canyon wall and disappeared. He said he was terrified
- by the experience and reported reported what he had seen to his relatives and
- other people at Imnaha but nobody believed him.
- Fred Casady, a phone company technician from Enterprise, said he was
- working as a civilian at an American Air Defense Command installation near
- Coos Bay, Ore., during the '60s when UFOs were spotted frequently on the
- government's Sage radar system.
- "A blip came on the screen, and as soon as our jets' radar him them
- they took off at a right angle and went off the screen at about mock three,"
- said Casady.
- "There was a lot of excitement and heavy security ...and they told us
- to keep quiet about it," he said.
- Others who participated in the "Town Hall" segment included Peter
- Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, who said
- his organization often receives up to 50 alleged UFO sightings a day, Tom
- Hanna, NASA's Pacific Northwest representative, Dr. Eva Starmack, a Portland
- area psychologist who believes in UFOs, and Jim Doerter of Ashland, who claims
- to have witnessed a dramatic encounter with a UFO when he was working on a
- Forest Service lookout tower.
- ----end of story-----(UFO3.txt)
- From alt.paranet.ufo Wed May 24 18:13:32 1995
- From: pvigay@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Paul Vigay")
- Subject: Re: crop circles 1995
- Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 06:47:51 GMT
- On 22 May 1995, mark fussell <mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk> said
- >I am writing this report of the new crop circle season (1995)
- >for my friend Stuart Dike. He has visited several formations sofar.
- Hi there. With regards to your reports, after examining 1) the crescent
- thing at West Overton. It's actually two circles, one with a crescent in
- it and the other with a sort of four pronged spiral effect radiating out
- from the middle. It looks better from the air from the ground. On the
- ground it's terrible - broken stems everywhere. My verdict is a hoax.
- I didn't know about the one at New Haven, Sussex. Thanks for the info.
- The one at Overton near Basingstoke is reported to be the best one so
- far this year - although I haven't visited it. A couple of friends of
- mine went to it last Friday and reported it to be all messed up and
- terrible. The previous week, it was said to be very good, so perhaps
- someone vandalised it during the week.
- The one south of Andover, I think is also a hoax. Again, it's not very
- good quality.
- Another formation appeared last week in the field between East Field and
- Woodborough Hill (in Alton Barnes). It appears to be a circle with a
- ring round it - again not very good - possible a hoax by the same person
- who did the one at West Overton. We think we know who made it, but I
- can't say on here (libel etc etc), so we're now watching the suspect.
- Last Sunday (21st May) we also spotted a white G reg Ford Escort van
- parked alongside East Field in Alton Barnes. It was there for at least
- two hours and contained two males (approx early 20s). After two hours or
- so, curiosity got the better off us so we decided to go and check them
- out. When we got down to where they were parked, they drove off at speed
- (after we had caught them on video, I hasten to add). Driving a
- reasonably nippy car myself, I decided to follow them (as they only had
- a van). I followed them as far as Lockeridge and then decided to give
- up. At some points I was touching 70mph - anyone who knows the road from
- Alton Barnes to West Overton will know that this is quite a speed. They
- obviously didn't want us to follow them.
- Possibly a wild goose chase, but still rather suspicious. We've now
- given the details to observers based in Alton Barnes, so we'll know if
- the van re-appears.
- From alt.alien.visitors Sun Jun 4 16:42:42 1995
- Subject: Crop Circles Update 2/5/1995
- Date: 3 Jun 1995 01:46:11 +0100
- X-Posting-Host: marque.demon.co.uk
- ==================================
- Dundry, nr City of Bristol. Formed May 19th ???
- A 20 feet dia circle with wide outer ring 90 feet in diameter.
- A small circle was centred on the outer with a small tail connected
- with circle connected on the end. But with messy floor lay.
- The crop is young barley.
- The location is on the Chew Valley lake side of Dundry Hill, nr
- Maes Knoll Hill Fort situated in corner of field.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Avebury Trusloe/Crooks Plantation
- nr Averbury stone circle, Wilshire.
- Formed 28th May 1995
- The formation is a large centre circle with atight spiral coming
- out. Creating nine rings around the centre circle. The spiral
- ends at a larger outer ring. The impression of ten concentric rings
- from ground level.
- The crop is young barley 1 metre high. Ground floor lay.
- Very impressing from the air.
- The location is close to the A4 road Avebury Trusloe/ Crooks
- plantation opposite Knoll Down
- Map Ref: SU 075 697
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- From alt.ufo.reports Sun Jun 11 21:21:15 1995
- Subject: Green UFOs over Toronto Airport?
- From: daveb.edwards@canrem.com (Daveb Edwards)
- Green UFOS over Toronto Airport?
- Here's a sound byte I picked up from Toronto Canada radio station
- 680 June 10 at 5:00 pm.
- ~Date: June 09 1995
- Time: Evening (time not given)
- Place: Pearson International Airport
- Description:
- Multiple UFOs (green colored lights) were reported at Pearson
- International Airport. The lights were seen to move vertically
- as well as traversing the sky. Multiple witnesses observed lights
- performing unusual maneuvers, non-conventional near an airport.
- Radio report said this material was to appear in the Toronto Sun
- daily newspaper.
- Followup:
- Called the SUN and editorial department said the item was on
- page 16 in the SUN Flashes column. Purchased said paper, did not
- find it. (Perhaps the wrong edition?)
- Called Pearson International Airport. They would neither confirm
- or deny the report. I was given a number in Ottawa that turned
- out to be Department of National Defence. I called that number
- and was told that no reports of the incident had been reported
- to them.
- Will report back if I can find out more.
- From alt.ufo.reports Sun Jun 11 21:21:29 1995
- From: donh@primenet.com (Don Hunt)
- Subject: orange lights near blythe ca
- On the evening of May 19 approx 8:30 my family and I saw two very large very
- bright orange, or amber, lights, hover for approx 10 minutes in the vicinity
- of the chocolate mountains 30 some miles south west of blythe california. They
- seemed to come from behind the mountain and then hover. They were motionless
- for the ten minute period and then both turned off at the same time.
- From alt.ufo.reports Tue Jun 13 11:05:44 1995
- From: u9308403@muss.cis.McMaster.CA (J.A. Culig)
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Toronto, Canada Sighting
- Yup, thats right, a sighting in TO. I just heard this briefly on the
- radio this morning (about 7:10 am, CFRB), so all of my details are going
- to be kind of iffy.
- Apparently, at about 9:45 pm, Friday June 9, 1995 a UFO was sighted
- over Toronto Canada. The object was an orange/red light that appeared for
- a few seconds, streaked erraticly through the sky, and seemed to
- disappear skyward. This object was apparently sighted by a number of
- people who then reported this to a local radio station (I think, and
- BTW, CFRB is Canada's largest station). Apparently a witness called Glen
- Crauter (spelled right) and told their story, and shortly afterwards, a
- few more callers phoned in to confirm this.
- The object has been explained by the scientific community as probably
- being a meteorite about 1 foot in diameter. This would account for it's
- speed and colour, however NOT it's erratic side to side movement.
- -Bruce
- u9308403@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca
- From alt.paranet.ufo Sat Jun 17 21:03:41 1995
- From: aw560@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Mike McLarty)
- Subject: UFO Report - near Rosetown, Saskatchewan
- The following is a statement given by a witness to a UFO sighting near
- Rosetown, Saskatchewan to an RCMP officer, and has been re-typed to as
- closely resemble the original as possible.
- Should any investigators in the area of the sighting who may not be
- aware of this, wish additional information for follow-up, please
- advise me by e-mail at either: aw560@freenet.carleton.ca
- or: mclarty@igs.net
- Note: "?" = unreadable due to poor photocopy
- "#" = information which was severed in accordance with the
- Privacy Act
- "*" = information which I deleted to avoid potential
- pestering of reporting personnel
- - although the witness indicates the object made a 45 degree turn, I
- believe he may mean as much as 90 degrees, since he stated that the
- object's turn was from either "north by northeast" or from
- "northeast to northwest", which is greater than 45 degs
- =================================================================
- ~Date: 95-01-30
- Time: 1419 hours
- Place: 5A15
- This is the statement of ##########################
- Address: ###########################
- Phone: ##############
- Work: #########
- DOB: ########
- Employer: #########
- On 95-01-29 at approximately 7 p.m. I was heading east on my grid
- near my farm. As we were driving home I noticed a flying object just to
- the south of the grid. It was travelling in a north by northeast
- direction. It was travelling very slowly for a flying object. The
- object then proceeded in the direction at approximately 50 mph. This is
- very slow for a plane to be travelling and it was only about 300 to 400
- feet above the ground. The object was flying over my uncle's cattle.
- The object was followed by us and then it made a quick northwest
- direction turn. The object continued to fly in that direction, but the
- turn was similar to a 45 degree angle. This object flew off in this
- direction. I figure we got to within about one mile away from it before
- it took off in the opposite direction. I've never seen a plane do that
- sort of turn before and I don't believe it could unless it flared up
- and this object didn't flare up and turn. It is possible it could be a
- gyrocopter or a helicopter, but the turn it made was too sharp for a
- copter, I feel.
- Q. When/where exactly did you see this object?
- A. One mile southeast of my farm on 95-01-29 at 7 p.m. We followed it
- east on my grid one mile and we stopped and watched it. The object
- would have crossed the grid I was on, right where I was sitting when I
- decided to watch the object. The object then continued northeast for
- about one mile and then it made its sharp turn and continued northwest.
- Q. How long did you see this object?
- A. About five minutes.
- Q. Can you give me a description of the object?
- A. No, not really. It had red lights, blue lights and white lights.
- Q. How many lights would it have had?
- A. Six for sure, two of each. The blue lights were flashing
- irregularly.
- Q. How bright was the light?
- A. Just like regular aircraft lights.
- Q. Any shape of the object?
- A. No, that's the bad part.
- Q. How many objects?
- A. One.
- Q. Altitude of the object was?
- A. About 200 metres.
- Q. What color was the object?
- A. I couldn't make it out.
- Q. Did it make any sound?
- A. I never opened a window and it was too windy.
- Q. What was the condition of the sky?
- A. It was clear, but it was at dusk so we couldn't see stars yet.
- Q. Who all saw the object?
- A. My wife ########################, my children. Also of course
- myself.
- Q. Anything else that stuck out about this object?
- A. We don't get many planes that low at that time of day in this area.
- Also, the unusual turn that this object made. It was like a 45 degree
- angle from northeast to northwest.
- Signed: Cst. R.T. ***** Signed: #######
- 1448 hours
- From alt.ufo.reports Sat Jun 17 21:05:24 1995
- Subject: Toronto UFO update
- Date: 16 Jun 1995 01:35:16 -0400
- Ok, here' the Toronto UFO update so far as I can piece it together...
- First the TO SUN clipping (not edited except for my spelling mistakes)
- *************************************************************************
- - SKY SHOW - Streaker has folks freaking -
- by; Wendy Levant and Andrea Schaffeler
- The X-files was still beaming out of TV screens across Metro on Friday
- night when a flash in the sky startled Deyberth Rivera, 14, and Kristen
- Little, 12.
- But they weren't the only ones who caught sight of an unidentified
- flying object about 9:45 p.m.
- Sun reporter Joe Warmington was on the 401 headed for Kingston when he
- saw a green streak hurtling across the sky.
- "It moved extremely fast and looked like something with a tail,"Warmington
- said.
- "I have never seen anything like it, " said Barb Rushworth, who was
- staying at Lake Loughborough, near Kingston. "It was so big and looked
- like it was going to land in the lake."
- -"Spectacular Flash"-
- Norm Crawford, 33, a TTC Driver, also saw "a pretty spectacular flash" in
- the sky.
- "It's definitely something I've never seen before," he said, describing
- the bright white flash he saw about the same time at Victoria Park and
- Laurance.
- Rivera, who saw the strange object from his balcony at Laurance and Orton
- Rd., said: "All of a sudden I saw an orange light comming out of the sky
- at an angle going down. Suddenlyit took a sharp turn, went strait up, swung
- back and fizzled out of the sky.
- But the Canadian Forces Base in Trenton didn't seem too alarmed. Capt.
- Yvon LaRose said it was likely just a meteorite.
- Robert Garrison, a professor of astronomy at University of Toronto, agreed
- with LaRose's assesment. "The described observations are consistant with
- that of a meteorite, " Garrison said, although he didn't know what to make
- of the gyrations.
- "A piece of rock the size of my fist could have created a fireball, and
- it would have appeared greenish or orangish."
- He described the occurence as very common.
- ***************************************************************************
- Sorry about the article, but I don't think the Sun will ever win a prize
- for literary achievement :)
- Anyhow, it would seem that the ball was either green, orange or both
- (changing colour?), and seemed to move around up and down while traversing
- the sky from one point to another before either a)fizzling out, or b)
- leaving the atmosphere.
- Also, there seems to be quite an amount of witnesses for this one.
- So, untill the objects verticle movements are explained this one remains
- in the UFO category.
- I think the TO chapter of MUFON should be informed so they can get an
- investigator looking into it.
- Also, there seems to have been a similar sighting in California a little
- while back, as there seems to be some talk of that here too.
- - Bruce
- From alt.paranet.abduct Mon Jun 19 08:19:48 1995
- From: mark fussell <mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: CROP CIRCLE UPDATE 16-06-1995
- Date: 17 Jun 1995 20:13:24 +0100
- Crop Circle Update 16th June 1995
- --------------------------------
- Location : Westbury White Horse
- Date Formed : 10-11th June 1995
- Crop : Barley
- This report is by Stuart Dike
- The formation is located below Bratton Castle passed the Westbury White Horse
- running parallel with the road.
- The formation consists of a small centre circle (clockwise) with
- eight concentric rings surrounding it. At certain points on each ring
- a small circle was placed. The lay on each ring is running clockwise
- with overlapping stalks. The crop was flowing out to the edges.
- Unfortunately the crop is now starting to recover and a number of
- people have already been in to see it. The small circles placed on
- the rings were also running clockwise.
- It was very difficult to tell whether there were many broken stems
- when it was formed, but I would guess that the lay was very neat.
- Some of the circles on the rings did'nt have defined centres to them,
- they has a splayed appearance fannig out to the edges.
- From alt.paranet.abduct Mon Jun 19 08:19:48 1995
- From: mark fussell <mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: CROP CIRCLE UPDATE 18-06-1995
- Date: 18 Jun 1995 23:33:37 +0100
- =============================
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- A large formation has appeared below the ancient hillfort Danbury Ring.
- It,s based on the Scorpion designs of last year incorporating a petal
- shape with decreasing circles around a large ring. According to our
- sources it's extremely large and very impressive from the air.
- The formation is atleased a week old, which means that the crop
- is probably recovering, but it,s only 3ft high which is really short
- for this time of year.
- Please note that this report is very rough, and will be updated as soon
- as we have visited the formation ourselves. Photographs will be
- available in the near future.
- =====================================================================
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Unconfirmed report of a formation at Wherwell
- Details to follow.
- ======================================================================
- From alt.ufo.reports Mon Jun 19 08:21:48 1995
- From: rwayne@ozemail.com.au
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: UFO Sightings In Australia
- >
- > Did anyone sight a large orange light in the sky over Sydney on the evening of Tuesday, 6th June
- > 1995. I was unable to determine what it was.
- >
- Further to my report of the orange light over Sydney, Australia on the 6th, I contacted the local Airport
- Control Tower at Mascot Airport, They were unable (or unwilling?) to give me any further information
- pertaining to whatever it was that I sighted. The object was following a southerly course on what
- appeared to be from magnetic north to magnetic south, was bright ornage in colour, appeared to be at
- not too high an altitude though it is very hard to tell. As it passed overhead, no sound could be heard,
- and except for the very bright light, it had no decernable physical characteristics other than being an
- orange globe moving slightly faster than the average aircraft.
- From alt.alien.visitors Wed Jun 21 08:57:07 1995
- From: mark fussell <mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: CROP CIRCLE UPDATE 20-06-1995
- Date: 20 Jun 1995 15:51:19 +0100
- ===========================
- MAP REF. ST 385 435
- A large formation has appeared in Oats, very near the ancient hill fort
- DANBURY RING. Information is very rough at this stage, but I was told it
- has a large ring with 3 circles. It crosses two tramlines, and all the
- circles are running anticlockwise.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAP REF. ST 384 437.
- Another formation has appeared in this region, which has a ZigZag design,
- and three circles. The crop is young wheat. This is all I know at present
- more details on the weekend.
- Both of the formations are near Harewood forest.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MAP REF ST 560 218
- A simple circle has appeared in young wheat. I was told there was alot of
- mud on the stems, and breakage. The circle is running clockwise.
- ===========================================================================
- From alt.alien.visitors Mon Jun 26 10:42:22 1995
- From: mark fussell <mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: CROP CIRCLE UPDATE 22-06-1995
- Date: Thu, 22 Jun 95 21:45:23 GMT
- --------------------------------------------
- Approx. 200*300 feet consisting of a central circle with a
- scattering of 85/88 circles and two rings. Grapeshot circles
- have also been reported. formed unknown date. more details after
- the weekend 25.6.1995
- Rumours of a formation at OGBOURNE ST. GEORGE, Nr Marlborough
- Wilshire, Unconfirmed.
- From alt.alien.visitors Mon Jun 26 10:42:32 1995
- From: mark fussell <mjfussell@marque.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: CROP CIRCLE UPDATE 22-06-1995 (2)
- Date: Thu, 22 Jun 95 23:23:44 GMT
- ======================================
- ==================================================================
- Map ref: OS 602 314
- We had confirmation of 97 circles within one field
- comprising of 3 large rings, (100 details). Some of the smaller grapeshot
- circles have standing crop in their centres with very
- little breakage.
- ===================================================================
- A second formation has appeared near to the one mentioned
- above. It is near a public house called The Percy Hobbs, it
- is on the A31 Alresford to Winchester road on the left hand
- side near the Roundabout comprising of a large ring with
- circles. More info to follow....
- ================================================
- Ringed circle has appeared over the back of the Cheesefoot
- Head Quintuplet in the same field (see previous updates) possibly man-made.
- Additions have appeared on the Cheesefoot quintuplet. More info to
- follow.
- ==============================
- Two formations at Reading have been reported near the Town of Calcot.
- This is a circle with a ring.
- From alt.ufo.reports Mon Jun 26 11:03:05 1995
- From: David Somen <David@holodeck.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: UK Sighting
- Date: Sat, 24 Jun 1995 09:10:05 GMT
- As printed in the Hinckley Times newspaper, Leicester
- Thursday 22nd june 1995.
- A Wolvey woman believes she may have seen an
- unidentified flying object as she was on her way home from work.
- Driving through Nuneaton towards Wolvey, the woman began to realise
- that the object she first saw as being the moon, was actually moving
- closer towards her.
- She explained: "As the object came closer I could see that it was
- bright, bright orange with a black line through the middle of it."
- "It was oval shaped and, from what I could see, was about as big as a
- house. It was moving over the fields. It was there the whole time."
- "I was being brave and thought I'd investigate but as I got closer I
- lost my bottle. I was really frightened actually, it was so weird."
- The woman wanted to report the incident to a UFO society but was unable
- to. However, she is interested to find out whether anyone else sighted
- it.
- From alt.ufo.reports Mon Jun 26 11:03:22 1995
- From: the subversive one <subinfo@online.rednet.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Subject: Re: UK Sighting
- Date: 24 Jun 1995 13:34:13 GMT
- UK Sighting u.f.o sighting over british aerospace in the
- blackburn/salmesbury area.
- did anybody else see an intense blue light high in the sky at cloud level
- at about 9.30pm on friday june the second 1995.it was stationary for a
- couple of seconds and then zipped off at very high speed.there were two
- cars full of people,who witnessed the event,there must have been others.
- From alt.ufo.reports Tue Jun 27 09:26:40 1995
- From: Matthew Burke <dorian@wizards.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
- Date: 26 Jun 1995 17:35:03 GMT
- In March of this year, a disc-like object was seen in the Bothell, WA
- area at 6:30 AM. Bothell is about 20 miles north of Seattle. The object
- headed south toward Seattle where is was seen by dozens of witnesses and
- then darted north once again and was reported in Portland 30 minutes
- later.
- This is the info I received from a local Seattle BBS.